Saturday, 21 November 2015

BH 2: Zander Time

Second trip of the season to Bury Hill. Based on last week I dressed like I was heading for the Arctic Circle and I arrived about an hour before sunset. I fancied trying a new swim and settled on one where I could see the small fish topping. After half an hour casting about with a plummet the traps were set.

I fished a roach section on each rod with chopped sprat serving as an attractant, one ledgered and one on the float - a dropped run followed by a hook-pull as darkness fell signalled we were off. At 5.20pm I landed a 4lb 14oz zed on the float (above).

5.40pm, 4lb 2oz, float.

6.05pm, 3lb 0oz, ledger.

6.30pm, about 1¾lb, float. Nasty gash in it's side.

7.15pm, 4lb 1oz, float. There were dropped runs and hook-pulls in-between fish.

7.40pm, about 2½lb, float. First time a zander has bitten me - does this mean I have progressed from Zander Noob to Zander Rookie?

8.15pm, about 3¼lb, float.

8.25pm, 4lb 3oz, ledger.

Last cast 8.45pm, a 6lb 10oz new PB zander, ledger. Before a race to the train!

An absolutely brilliant session and the new PB was the icing on the cake! That's 9 zander adding 34lb 6oz to the Predator Challenge and a bit of confidence before I head to Coventry on Sunday in search of a wild canal fish.

Predator Challenge: 134lb 10oz


  1. Well done that man, see your a wasted talent not targeting predators. Keep it up and a double is just around the corner, I'm certain of it

    1. Cheers James. I'm happy to just catch a few zander - but I must admit while walking back to the train I hoped that PB doesn't last the season!

  2. More fish banked than lost. Something in the rigs is working magic. Let's hope it continues for Sunday because it's gonna be cold and I can't say what that'll mean. Who knows with zander, eh?

    1. I keep tinkering with the rigs, but it's really limited to what you can try and stay within the fishery rules - my brother has sent me some great zander hooks from the states which I can't wait to try out.

      Fingers crossed for Sunday, hope they will be feeding - sounds like there will be enough lines getting wet to find the fish. Who knows with zander? Not me!

  3. for someone who claimed he new nothing about zanders only a few months ago... great result! (any tips to share?)

    1. I still don't know anything about zander - but at least I've realised I know nothing about them (I've realised it isn't pike fishing on a lighter scale).

      Two 'Noob to Rookie' tips I have found are; as with most fishing your plummet is essential - find a feature and *hopefully* the zeds will be there (as long as there is baitfish).

      And strike! With pike I wind down and pull the hook home - with zander this just gives them time to spit the bait out. Looks like it's going to be a long learning curve - but I've made a start...

    2. And now I've written that, perhaps circle hooks and no strike would be better? Who knows... More experiments I think...

  4. well done that man-and actually a trip for the right species in the right conditions! bet that cardboard cut out holding the fish was a bugger to draw tho!(you don't move-not even your expression,haha!)

    1. Thanks Grant. Landed right on them when they wanted to feed - for a change! Yeah, was a bit of a production line - land fish, unhook, weigh, photograph - the cardboard cut-out man really helped - I left him there for next time :)
