Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Pike In The Mist

An early start, two trains and a long walk this morning as I headed to the Thames for a days pike fishing. And I arrived before dawn to dense fog that didn't lift all day.

The first rod was quickly set up and cast out while I went to set up the other rod, glancing back I already had a run on my still frozen sprat. Several long upstream runs and things started going my way, before she showed her teeth in front of the net and spat the hook - looked about 14 or 15 pounds... Apologies to anyone who was in ear-shot in the seconds that followed!

The trace was inspected and a new sprat was cast back out. This time it sat for about 10 minutes before another run. Another great fight and a 10lb 4oz pike was in the net - my winter pike season was finally up-and-running, and a double to kick things off.

Two casts, two runs - perhaps today was going to be my day - I need to make up for some lost time on this year's challenge... It wasn't to be, only one dropped run on a sand eel punctuated the rest of the day.

As the light was fading I was winding in a perch deadbait when there was a tell-tail thump as it was grabbed by an unseen pike. A scrappy 5lb 8oz pike was soon in the net, not the day I was hoping for after my first two casts - but I was delighted to finally get a couple pike on the bank.

Still I fished into the dark hoping for another chance, 21lb on the challenge, a long way to go - fingers crossed The Wye will be in good condition for a trip later in the month. And for a trip with Paulos and Roger in January...


  1. Better late than never as they say Brian!, a double to start things off, you know that one you lost will be around when you head back down, well in!

    Regards James.

    1. Yeah, you can be the net man for a bit now... As if?

      Hopefully see that pike again - anything in the 13-16lb range will be classed as the pike I lost!

  2. Very nice, top fishing. Looking forward to a chance at a couple of those myself soon.

    1. I just want one exactly like the one in the top photo (except three times as big)... Looking forward to The Wye myself :)

  3. Pike Blog offially open!!!
    Well dpne Briam.
    The Wye seems good atm my mate had a 19 the other day so fingers crossed you will catch some fish... A biggie me thinks!

    1. Cheers Stu. Can't wait to get back on the home river and try and track down a monster!

  4. Lovely brace caught wearing your lucky "Esox Skull" hat. Well done! We're...screech-less! ;)

    1. Pike eating my pike bait... I was wondering if it was going to happen this season!!!

  5. Not quite sure what is more impressive, the Pike or the beard....well done on both Mr.


    1. Thanks Stew... Getting a proper piker's beard now!
