Friday, 17 December 2010

Jack's Pike #10

No fishing for a while now, but as I sit here watching the snow fall outside I have decided to head to the River Wye next week. I think I'm in for some tough fishing, but I need to open this season's pike account. Nothing warms me up like the thought of a River Wye twenty...


  1. Hahahahaha thats a good one Brian, If your going to the River Wye make sure you wrap up warm, Good luck, Hope you get a decent Pike,

  2. Serious weather gear packed! A jack would do for a start..!

    Just want to see the float disappear, for those few seconds between run and strike I always think it's going to be the thirty I've been chasing all my life. Excited now...

  3. I hope it happens for you Brian, I think this could be the year for your thirty as there seems to be a shortage of Jacks, I havent had anything smaller than an eight, All the tiny Jacks seem to have vanished and i love catching them,
    Glad you have the correct kit,
    All the best,

  4. Go get 'em!! In the words of one of my all time heros "He who dares, wins". Of course he also coined the phrase "As Hamlet said to Macbeth in a mid-summers night dream, Rodney we've been stitched up like a right couple of kippers"
