Friday, 7 October 2022

Doing It Wrong

An afternoon trying to bag some roach - and I think I was doing it wrong... Landing 5 little barbel, 2 chub, a common carp...

And eventually a roach - just the one - but I'm not complaining - nice little bag of fish on the stick 'n' pin and a bit of bread.

Annoyingly my camera or card is playing up - it's taking photos but not saving all of them - need to work out what's broken and fix it.


  1. Always doing it wrong when it feels right!!

    1. Fishing: As long as you’re enjoying it and not hurting anybody/anything you’re doing it right!

  2. I reckon your camera is fed up with taking pictures of barbel ;o) But seriously, you may need to save your pics and reformat the card.
    Lovely conditioned fish, using a pin just makes it better.

    1. My initial thought was the camera was suffering from lack of pike photos - perhaps it is a barbel overload!

      Great fun catching those little barbel on the pin - and that carp tried his best to convince me he was a monster roach!!

  3. I think that one Roach took pity on you.

    Report card: Brian must try harder.

    1. I think you’re right - plenty of roach there, they just didn’t want to play. Must try harder - practice makes perfect…
