Wednesday, 7 November 2018

Old Dinosaur

A computer glitch at the EA resulted in my weir permit arriving a month late, but it landed on the doormat on the weekend and I was itching to get on the river. With very little time, made shorter trying to catch elusive livebait, it was zander time by the first casts.

But I was really hoping for a pike. Two runs, a little perch and the pike above. The pike had seen better days - long, thin and missing an eye - but a really big broad head - would have loved to have caught her in her prime! But a Barney, weighing exactly 10lb - great stuff!


  1. Lemgth on that. My last one was a right portly bugger.

    1. When I saw the size of the head going over the net I thought I’d hit a monster. Checked her throat for a treble, there wasn’t any gear still in her mouth, probably an old fish - fought hard, went back well, hopefully she’ll last long enough to make more pike!

  2. Just recently discovered your blog, Brian, and browsing through it is a real pleasure.

    Having got back into fishing a bit after many years off, I think your writing is going to prove quite inspirational! :)

    1. Cheers Gavin, had a quick look through your blog (I’ll go through it properly when I get chance) - some nice pike on there already.

    2. Thanks Brian. Yep, been a bit jammy with pike. And hopefully will be again this winter too!

      You'll have noticed it's a bit of a mixed blog, but there is a bit of fishing stuff in there if you look hard enough! :)

    3. Think I’ve found all the fishing posts, from when you gave up fishing years ago with no intention of ever revisiting the sport - to the recent captures of some stunning pike...

  3. ...had seen better days - long, thin and missing an eye - but a really big broad head - would have loved to have caught her in her prime!

    Sound's like I girl I once knew.
