Saturday, 15 December 2012

Wild Tidal Zeds

Darren and I spent the day chasing wild Thames zander (we were after pike as well). Same result as our outing to Bury Hill, time to do some serious zander research I think!


  1. For zander, maybe you should try drop shot (also known as under shot) rigging. Here's an article on the subject:

    1. Thanks Ollie, need all the help I can get!



      The Zander in their early years of life are an excellent example of a predatory fish and different from the Pike in the sense that it will hunt in packs whereby collectively they will surround a typical shoal of Roach, Perch or other small freshwater species and then attack, not so in later years once they reach double figure size. Once they attain weights of 10lb or more they seem to go solitary and choose victims wisely, which could explain part of the reason they are a lot harder to catch...


      Zander prefer and thrive in coloured water, particularly flowing water...


      My best method is the free running lead ledgered bait, although float paternoster does take the odd fish it is the former method that has been more successful for me. The drawback with using floats is that it can be pushed down the line by the surface currents which then means you are not presenting the bait at the depth you wish.


  2. That looks lie a very cool place. Do they feed in the really turbulent water?


    1. We know they're in there - but we can't catch them... So I've no idea what kind of water they like... Working on it!
