Wednesday 27 February 2013

Two And A Half Hours

I was at work with things pretty much wrapped up for the day, and was having a chat via email with a mate about fishing... I worked out that if the trains were on my side I could fit two and a half hours on the riverbank in - I made a dash for it - fishing is better than talking about fishing!

I was going to head for two spots I'd baited up on Monday, spending about an hour in each. The first spot looked devoid of life, the second spot produced a knock within a few minutes... But I waited the full hour before I had a rip-round bite and was obviously connected to a big fish.

Holding the rod in one hand I grabbed my bag and the net with the other and followed the fish downstream. After crashing through the undergrowth and a fantastic fight which saw the fish at the net three times before it made another surge across the river, I finally got the net under her.

A new PB barbel - brilliant! After a quick couple of photos and making sure she swam away strongly I ran for my train (with a massive smile on my face). And to think I nearly didn't go.

Edit: With this fish being re-captured just before the end of the season and the weight published on another site, I thought it wouldn't hurt to put it on here. A new PB of 12lb 4oz - absolutely over the moon! (James had her a couple of ounces heavier two weeks later).

Top work Lee, who guessed the weight bang-on in the comments - and they say I hold the fish too close to the camera!

Monday 25 February 2013


I must be insane, I thought, as I ventured out into the cold, wet winter night after work...

But sometimes, just sometimes, the fishing gods smile on insanity! And tonight I was rewarded with this beautiful double figure barbel.


She tried to flip out of my hands in the top photo, so I took another... Think I prefer the 'action' shot now!

Saturday 23 February 2013

PH5: Chilly Island

Water conditions were less than ideal and it was freezing cold with snow flurries... But we're running out of fishing season... Time for a stab at a Penton Hook pike!

Myself and Dan kept mobile in the hope of landing on a feeding fish, but it wasn't to be today.

Sausage sandwiches were the highlight of the day (breakfast, lunch and dinner) - although at times difficult to cook - the flame on the cooker kept freezing!

Saturday 16 February 2013

February Barbel

With a big project on at work, and having to go into an office to borrow a computer (mine is still at data recovery), time is currently at a premium. So it was with a sense of urgency I hit the river early this morning after my February barbel...

Just one bite all day, but it was the bite I was after and a 7lb 10oz barbel was added to the challenge. That's a five pound plus barbel every month of the season so far... Just March to go...

Dan joined me about lunchtime and we fished into early evening, not to be out-done; his only bite of the day resulted in this new PB 4lb 8oz chub… Bonus!

Thursday 7 February 2013

Cheese Grater

On Tuesday, 6 February at approximately 2pm the fans on my Apple Mac failed, 9-10 minutes later the hard drives cooked, essentially turning a very expensive computer into an incredibly expensive cheese grater.

As well as work-work, about 100 Jack's Pike strips were lost, nearly all the Fluff Chuckers and an (as yet) unnamed comic strip was completely lost… And as I write this I've just remembered all my photos were on that computer… Bugger!

This post has nothing to do with fishing, but as bloggers and writers, a word of caution… BACK STUFF UP!